Sunday, October 27, 2013

Zack Makes Me Laugh . . .

Very funny story about Zack . . .
Zack, Tanner and Dave went to McDonalds for lunch yesterday.  Zack asked Dave, "Did you watch that movie, "Circumcise Me"?
Dave asked Zack, "What are you talking about??"
Zack said, "You know, that movie about the guy who ate at McDonald's every day, and got really fat. We watched it at school."
Dave asked, "You watched Circumcise Me at school?"
"Yeah!," Zack answered.
Trying not to laugh TOO hard, Dave asked, "Are you sure you don't mean, "Super-Size Me?"
"Yeah, that's it!!" Zack said.
He cracks me up!  When Dave told me about this, we were all sitting at the dinner table eating our Sunday dinner (lunch).  I started laughing like crazy and asked him if he knew what circumcision was.  He said no.  So, I educated him.  Then he realized how funny he really was.  Hilarious!!!! 


Claudine Cable said...

You've got to love raising kids. They are a laugh a minute, especially yours. Love this.

Julie said...

Very humorous!